Si4703 small simple FM radio with Arduino
Again, a FM radio project based on Si4703 breakout board with Arduino, for your bench-work, bathroom … you can listen your programmed favorites radio station, build’s very simple, The breakout provides access to SDIO and SCLK for I2C communication while RST can be used for easy resetting. I use Arduino 3.3v@8Mhz, audio output is wired to Mini PAM8403 5V 2Channel USB Power Audio Amplifier with volume Control board, (1$ on ebay), a simple push button is dedicated to change station quickly by a simple “press”, a I2c 2×16 LCD screen provide station displaying name. Code is available here, don’t forget to include SparkFunSi4703 and LiquidCrystal_I2C libs before compiling. LCD and Si4703 board use the same i2c bus, simple connect A4/A5 to SDIO/SCLK.